For a more pleasant, fitter and healthier journey to motherhood.

Pregnancy is no longer considered a time to take it easy. In fact, for women who like to exercise, there's never been a better time to be pregnant. Today, the official advice of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is very clear: Keep exercising during pregnancy, right up until delivery.
Luckily for you, (or unluckily, if you have an aversion to exercising), the ACOG recognizes that working out is a vital part of staying healthy, and recommends that women with normal pregnancies get 30 minutes or more a day of moderate exercise on most (if not all) days. Although, it is estimated that ONLY 15 % of women exercise at recommended levels during pregnancy. So why woman drop exercising? The main reason of dropping the exercise routine is often because there’s a fear to harm the baby in doing wrong exercises.
In this article, you will find simple guidelines for safe exercising during pregnancy, and we will also debunk certain myth, which I am sure will help you consider going back to exercising.
First, why exercising is so important during pregnancy:
Exercising during pregnancy benefits the mother in the following ways:

  • Helps reduce backaches, constipation, stress incontinence, bloating and swelling
  • May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes
  • Increases the energy level
  • Improves the mood
  • Improves the posture
  • Improves the sleep
  • Promotes muscle tone strength and endurance
  • Decreases the time in labour
  • Regain the pre pregnancy figure in half the time

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