Ergonomics - often described as fitting a job to a person - is the science that looks at how people interact with their work environment, and seeks to optimize their health and productivity. It involves designing workstations, work processes, equipment and tools to fit the employee. It is important for workers to know how to adjust their office workstations to suit their individual needs.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) affect the muscles, nerves and tendons. Work related MSDs (including those of the neck, upper extremities and low back) are one of the leading causes of lost or restricted work time. However, they can be prevented and therefor the associated cost with it can be substantially reduced.

Physiotherapists are specialists who understand not only what causes pain, but how best to keep it at bay and get better. Our aim is to help prevent the most common work related injuries before they occur. 

For this reason physiotherapists are best suited to assessing the work place – not just looking at how an individual sits, but how they sit and work.  We have the benefit of applying years of clinical experience to each individual assessment and are able to tailor each training presentation for the candidates participating.

Our thorough knowledge of anatomy and spinal biomechanics enable us to provide a comprehensive review of the individual – not just the equipment but how the individual uses that equipment.

An efficient and cost effective way to do so are Ergonomic Assessments that cover:

  • Posture
  • Physical and muscular work demands
  • Equipment and workplace design
  • Environmental factors (lighting, noise and temperature)
  • Correct use and positioning of keyboard, mouse and phone

These assessments will be customized according to your work environment.

Office Ergonomic Training Courses complement these assessments or can be done on their own. They last between 40 – 60 minutes and your staff will learn about good posture, injury prevention and maintaining health and concentration. These courses are ideal for anybody standing or sitting for a prolonged time.

Some of our other ergonomic services:

  • On Site Physiotherapy
  • Stretching and exercise at the work place
  • Stress management
  • Training for managers and supervisors on how to implemented ergonomic principles for their teams

All of the above can be tailored for groups or individuals.